Chris Hertzberg - Obituary

Frank Draheim farm (wild guess)

Funeral location?


Death of Chris Hertzberg.

Chris Hertzberg died at his home on the Frank Draheim farm west of town on Saturday aged 71 years. On Thursday night after “retiring” to his room upstairs Mr. Hertzberg got up in the night and while going down stars fell down in an apoplectic fit. A doctor wras summoned to attend him and pronounced the injuries from the fall to be slight and the stroke was the immediate cause of death. Mr. Hertzberg had suffered from these before. He has resided in this county for a number of years and was highly respected. He leaves a widow and was the father of Mrs. R. Beilenberg. Mrs. Al Wendt, Chris and John Hertzberg. The funeral will be held tomorrow at the Lutheran church on Seventh and Eagle streets, Rev. Chrstianson officiatng. The cortegefuneral procession will leave the home in Johnson township at 10 o”clock.

Chris Hertzberg

Widow Hertzberg

Mrs. Robert Bielenberg

Mrs. Al Wendt

Chris jr

John Hertzberg

Source: LeMars Sentinel, 2 December 1901, p. 4, col. 4, photocopy of newspaper.

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